Episode 13: How to Grow Your Personal Brand Through Your Podcast

Intentionally building your personal brand could be an absolute game-changer for your business.

So, today I'm sharing why personal branding is important for your business and how a podcast fits into that personal branding strategy.

You'll learn:

  • how your personal brand helps you build trust

  • why you should show your values

  • why focusing on connection builds loyalty 

  • tips for improving your personal brand through your podcast

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  • Good Chat Media acknowledges the traditional owners of the land where we work, live and record the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin nation and we pay our respects to elder's past and present always was always will be Aboriginal land Hey, I'm Cass, the founder podcast production agency, Good Chat Media and welcome to Good chats. Good chat is a podcast with a holistic approach to business and marketing. And with the help of some super special people, I'll be spilling all the secrets about boosting your brand building credibility and connecting with community through podcasting. Let's get into the episode.

    Hi friends. Welcome back to another episode of the Good Chats podcast. It is your girl Cass and I've been away for a little bit. I'm sorry. But, please forgive me, because I had to turn my heater off to be able to record this episode. So, you should be very grateful, because it is freezing here in Melbourne.

    Other than coming on to bitch about the weather, I am chatting to you today about why personal branding is important for your business and how a podcast fits into that personal branding strategy. Before that, I wanted to talk about something that is kind of important to me at the moment, and it is just about community.

    And I was already obsessed with community and, you know, being able to find the people around me that support me. And I have beautiful friends and beautiful family members, and I'm so, so, so very blessed. But I think it really, really shows who is there for you. When. You have personal kind of crises going on all at one time and showing up in business when you're not doing 100% is really hard.

    And I just want to say thank you to anyone who has supported me in this little journey of mine. I am so lucky. To be surrounded by a beautiful community of people of supporters of loved ones. And that is honestly like one of the most amazing parts about business is the community that you can create.

    And that's why I do what I do and I love helping people come up with strategies to build and nurture their community because those are the people that are going to have your back. They're the people that are going to tell people about you. They're the people that are going to shout your name from the rooftops and say your name in a room full of opportunities.

    So for anyone who's ever done that for me, I just want to say thank you and you're a freaking superstar. That's all let's get into the episode. Alrighty. Let's talk about why personal branding is important for your business. So this is something that I really wish that I knew when I started my business.

    A few years back, it's so important and I feel like it's probably something that I did get told, but you know, it was falling on deaf ears when I wasn't in a position to understand what personal branding was. And now, knowing what it is, it is the most important thing and it's very cool that I can help people with this now because I didn't have it for so long and I was kind of accidentally building a personal brand, but being intentional with having your personal brand and being able to make sure you're presenting the right thing is so, so powerful and so amazing.

    And I've learned from the best. I got coaching from Suze Chadwick and she is the brand builder. Her podcast is amazing. Her business is amazing. And she is just an all star human. So I just wanted to share some things in relation to podcasting and in relation to business, how you can build your personal brand and how podcasting helps with that.

    So the first one is that it builds trust. Now we all know that building trust is something that's incredibly important when it comes to building your customer base. You want them to be able to trust you. You want them to be able to go, Oh, Easy. I know that person. I believe what they say. I already trust them.

    The credibility that you're able to build is so important and it's something that again needs to be kind of strategically planned. Like what do you want to be known for? If it is podcasting, so people are coming to me for podcasting advice. I want to make sure I've got the most up to date knowledge and skills to be able to help people create the best podcast they possibly can.

    So building trust is a huge one. The next one that I've got is personal branding really helps you differentiate yourself from other competitors. It helps to show your unique skills and expertise. And it really helps you show off your values. Values is something that is so important in business. And I think more for attracting the right people.

    They want to know that they feel safe with you because you believe in the same things as them. If you have the same values as someone, it's like you understand them much more as a human. If you think about business as politics, and one political party is saying, these are our values and we stand for XYZ, and a different political party stands for ABC, and you're like, well, I don't like XYZ, I only like ABC.

    I don't want to be around people that are doing X, Y, Z. It's the same with business. If someone's doing things with weird business values or something that you perceive as weird or not your vibe, you are not going to go to them. So having that really strong value. And presenting what your values are, are really going to help build that personal brand because people know what to expect from you.

    And then it becomes your reputation. So something that's very important to me, a value that's very important to me is communication. It's knowledge. And people come to me because they know that I'm going to know about podcasting things. They know that I'm continually learning and continually making improvements in the business so that I can support them better and that's what a good reputation is built on.

    The next one is that your personal brand drives customer loyalty and customer loyalty and retention is something that Oh my gosh, you need so much because it's so much easier to upsell or to continue selling to someone you already work with or have worked with than to get new clients. So building that customer loyalty.

    By creating an emotional connection between your customers and then the people behind the business are really going to help build that loyalty. Cause it's all about connection. You want to make sure that whatever you're doing, you're connecting with the people that are in your DMS. That are taking the time to comment on a photo or to respond to a story, or if you put up a story with a question box and they answer it, respond back to them, connect with them, make them feel special, because.

    That is going to drive the loyalty. They will want to continue to help you and see you thrive in business if they know that you have made them feel special. Personal branding also really helps to increase your business's visibility. Because if you're creating a strong online presence and promoting yourself as a thought leader in your industry, Your opinions are going to be heard.

    You're going to go on more podcasts and you're going to be shown more in things. You could be a speaker and becoming increasingly visible. This is so important. And I know I'm saying this about everything, but these five points are the most important things in my opinion, being able to increase your visibility.

    The more people that can see you, the more people you're going to be able to convert to clients and then have them in your community as people that are backing you. It's going to create customer loyalty and then they're going to tell their friends that you're amazing and that you should work with them.

    It's really that simple. And then the last one is that personal branding really helps to increase sales and partnerships. On the sales side, same thing as I was saying before, that it helps to increase your sales because you're creating a strong connection between your business and your customers. And then with partnerships, people are going to want to collaborate with you.

    If they know your values, they know what you stand for, what your opinions are, where you stand in the world. And they're like, hell yeah, I love that. Then they're going to want to work with you. They're going to want to collab. They're going to want to be a partner in something in your world. And then that is even stronger because then your audiences kind of collide and you get access to a whole.

    bunch of people that are probably a very similar audience to yours that are an untapped resource that you haven't been able to access yet. So it's extremely powerful to do collaborations and partnerships. And I really encourage you to think about who can I work with? I'm going to talk more and more about creative partnerships as the episodes go on.

    And it is truly one of my favorite things because collaborating is one of the most wonderful things about Being in a community and having a business. If you find people who share similar values and goals, that is truly magic. Being able to partner with them is something that is so wonderful. Instead of being just in your own silo and sticking to yourself, it's that thing of creating more visibility.

    So they're the things that I think of when it comes to how personal branding is important for your business. And then now I just want to talk about like how podcasting fits into that and how you're able to grow your personal brand with a podcast. So the first step is to define your ideal audience. and what messages you want to convey to them.

    So going by your expertise and having that specific audience where you understand their pain point and you have the solution and you have the education and the inspiration to be able to provide those details to them. That is what you need to do. That's number one. Step, define your audience and what you want to say to them.

    My next tip is to create something that's unique and memorable. So I am talking about not just the name, but the logo and the format, something that really fits with your personal brand. Now my personal brand is, I think, quite light and fun and energetic. And I'm not really sharing too much of the doom and gloom in the world because sometimes ignorance is bliss, I get it, but I just want to live a happy life and I'm a pretty happy person and I just want to be.

    The most happy human and help other people find happiness and joy in things. And I, and I think that really is why I wanna help people with podcasting because it's such a valuable tool and I just wanna make it easier for them. I just wanna make it easy for you to be able to be successful. And I wanna see so many people be successful in this industry.

    So if you've already got a podcast, Check in with your name and your logo and the format in which you're presenting to the world. If it's not what you really want, then change it. There's no need to continue doing something that you don't want to do when you can change it at any point. This goes for segments as well.

    So if there's a segment that you started doing and you're like, I can't be bothered doing that anymore. I just, it doesn't sit well for me. It doesn't feel good anymore. Then just cut it. The last one that I'm going to say to you is to plan your content strategically. And this is something that's really, really important.

    And you really want to be thinking about what the messages you're conveying are for your personal brand. So. So when people come to you, what are they asking? What are they wanting you to help them with? Because they're the things that you're going to be an expert on. They're the things that people come to you for advice for because they know that you're the one to go to.

    You want to be that go to person in your industry. So start thinking about what content you can plan strategically. I'm talking. The podcast and then everything that trickles down from there as your masterpiece of content. I'm talking who are your guests? What are your topics? And why are you having that guest or that topic on the podcast?

    Because just doing it because you think you should. isn't the right answer. And I really truly believe that you shouldn't be doing things because you think you should do them. That's BS. So really have a think about what content you can plan strategically to make it that you're sending people the right messages.

    You're letting them know what your values are, how much of an expert you are, that you're the go to person in that field, that you're credible, that you're there to build trust and a beautiful community and really see what kind of content that they like to consume outside of the podcast. Where do you get the most traction is usually what I ask people.

    And if they say Instagram, okay, cool. Well, let's ramp that up. Let's double down on the reels that you're making. Let's jump on stories. Let's go live. Let's do static posts. Let's do quote like. You don't have to be on every platform, but you do need to plan it strategically so that you are actually making your effort and your time worthwhile.

    Because there's no point in putting all of your time and energy and money if you're outsourcing into the podcast, if you're not going to tell every man and their dog about your podcast. That is your master form of content and you're going to want everyone to know about it. So other tips for growing your personal brand with a podcast is to really, you know, make sure that your content is really high quality, like investing in that good equipment.

    We all talk about how that it's 2023. There is no excuse for bad audio. I've said it once. I've said it again. I'll say it a million times being consistent. I can't talk on that right now because is okay.

    But if you do want to build that loyalty, consistency is key. And if you fall off the wagon every now and then, get some help because that will really motivate you to stay on track. So I hope those tips were helpful. And I hope that you're really thinking about how your personal brand is being presented to the world.

    And if it's not how you want it to be presented to the world, how do you want it to be presented to the world? I would love to chat to you further about this in the DMs on Instagram. If you have any questions about Your personal branding and a podcast or if this has inspired you to create a podcast. I would love to chat about how we can support you with that.

    And if you've already got a podcast and you're like, I need some help strategically planning what's next and how I'm going to make this. It's so bomb that everyone is listening and loving it and sending it to their friends. And if you can see the vision, come and chat to me and we can let you know how we can support you.

    And even if it's just a conversation, we have so many free resources as well. So there's lots of things, jump over to Instagram, send us a message. and go and check out the other resources we have. We've got podcast episodes, we've got blog posts, we've got free downloads. It's education galore. So let me know if there's anything that you want to know and I can tell you where you can find it.

    Thank you so much for listening to the podcast. I have missed doing this. I have the biggest smile on my face right now and I'm so honored that you come back and listen to this after I've taken a little break off and Supporting me. It does support me so much. And I would love to know who you are when you are listening.

    So please let me know. I would love to chat. Bye.

    We want to say thanks so much for joining us for another good chat. We would love if you would help us with our 2023 goals to get to 100 ratings and reviews and then send this podcast on to someone who you think will love it just as much. Connect with us on LinkedIn Instagram, my good chap media. I will chat with you next week. Bye. This podcast was produced by good chat media.


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