Why A Podcast Should Be In Your Content Marketing Plan

As a busy business owner, starting a podcast may just seem like another thing taking up your time. The most common hesitations from business owners I hear are “it’s a lot of work”, “I don’t want to hear my voice back” or most commonly, “I’m not sure where to start”. 

To that I say, podcasts do take work, no one likes hearing their voice back and not sure where to start? Well, that’s where I can help. 

Having a podcast as part of your business's content marketing plan boosts your personal brand, builds trust and the personal connection with your audience. Your episodes can be repurposed in multiple ways across your social channels and you can align your audience with your business’s purpose leading to quality potential clients.

Here are my top reasons a podcast should be in your marketing plan.

People Can Listen Whenever, Wherever

As our worlds become busier, audio content has become increasingly popular. Podcasts are the only form of content you can consume while multitasking. Your listeners can be exercising, driving, on public transport, housework, or even in the office. 

Podcasts allow consumers to listen to the content without having to set aside time to read or watch a video. A huge appeal is that listeners can download the episode and control the pace in which they listen to, giving them the option to rewind and fast forward. 

On average, Australian podcast consumers listen to 5 podcasts per week and are listening primarily in their homes compared to in the car, on public transport and exercising. 

Connect With Your Future Customers

Launching a podcast is an incredible way for your businesses to communicate your personality and build connections with potential new clients and customers. 

In the past, the only way to do this was through your website. But we now have an amazing opportunity to connect by actually hearing someone's voice instead! 

If a client hasn’t used your services, other than word of mouth, they really have no idea what it's like to work with you. Podcasting demonstrates your expertise in the field and gives you the opportunity to show future clients who you are and that you really do know your stuff.

Repurposing Your Content

Repurposing your podcast content is the life hack you may never have known you needed. Repurposing content, also known as content recycling, is the practice of reusing some or all of an existing piece of content to expand its current reach. 

You can repurpose your content to Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube and your blog. You can then link everything back to the podcast and your website to get more listens and in turn, more sales! 

For more information on how to repurpose your podcast content, check out my blog post Repurposing Content: How To Get The Most Out Of Your Podcast.

So Much Opportunity

In the latest Infinite Dial study, Larry Rosin, the president of Edison Research, suggested that Australia is finally catching up with the US with listening rates going from 17% in 2020 to 26% in 2021. 

Rosin said the increase in Australian listeners is a sign that “big players in the podcasting space have put big resources behind the promotion of podcasting”.

You don’t need to post a new episode daily or more than once a week. Heck, if once a week is too much, you can post episodes fortnightly or monthly. Whatever you do, find a frequency that will allow you to be consistent. If you’re not able to commit time to planning, recording, editing, and marketing the podcast, outsource. 

If you’re wanting to launch a podcast for your business but not sure where to start, book a complimentary 15 minute call with me and I’ll show you how I can help you take your idea and turn it into a podcast in the charts. 


How To Get Your Podcast From An Idea To Launch


Repurposing Content: How To Get The Most Out Of Your Podcast