5 Tips To Overcome Your Podcast Fears

You have an amazing idea for a podcast, but the thought of recording yourself, listening to it back, editing and posting it for the world to hear TERRIFIES you. Well, you’re not alone.

Like starting anything new, fears and anxiety creep in and our not-so-friendly friend, self-doubt can make you never want to step foot in front of the microphone. 

Here are my 5 tips for overcoming your podcast fears.

Planning Is Key

From the very beginning, take the time to figure out how you will record, edit, publish and promote your podcast, breaking it down into specific steps and action items. This will help simplify the whole process and keep you on track.

Before firing up your microphone, plan the topic and research any further information you need to know. If you’re recording a guest episode, research them and plan questions that will help you get the answers you’re wanting to share with your audience and let them have a copy of the questions also to ensure for the most prepared conversation possible.

A basic outline for the podcast should include an intro about you and the podcast (who it’s for, what it’s about), the episode topic and the guest. Then have the questions you want to ask and at the end, an outro, thanking the guests and telling people where to find you.

If planning is something you’re having troubles with or simply don’t have the time, outsource it. Podcast managers can help you plan, manage guests, edit, publish and promote your whole season, leaving you to simply press record. 


Do a few trial runs first. Figure out if  you like your format, style, the way it sounds, and quality banter down pat before letting it into the ears of strangers. 

The first one may be like a pancake, but I tell you what, every other one after that will be pure gold. Focus on adding value to your audience and you can’t go wrong.

But What If People Don’t Listen?

A lot of time goes into planning, writing and producing a podcast so it’s natural to question your investment of precious time if no one listens. In fact, this is usually the number 1 fear people that I speak to have when it comes to launching a podcast. 

But what if people do listen? 

If you don’t publish your podcast, I can guarantee you will have zero listeners.  What difference could you make to your listeners? Who could you make laugh or inspire? 

Consider the audience you already have engaged on social media, and your email marketing. Be sure to remind them every time an episode goes live.

Your people will find you, be brave and take the chance. 

Focus On Your Strengths 

When it comes to picking topics, aim to focus on the knowledge you have that others may not. Use this to boost your self-confidence knowing that your expertise and thought leadership brings value to the conversation. 

For topics you aren’t as educated in but still want to talk about, invite guests that have a higher level of knowledge in this area, and ask open-ended questions so you can learn along with the audience. Don’t be afraid to learn something new!

Positive Affirmations

And if affirmations are your thing, we’ve got you.

Affirmations are a great way of getting out of your head and into the present moment. By repeating these statements often, you will eventually start to believe them and start letting go of those icky feelings of podcasting. Here are some affirmations to give a try.

  • I am calm and confident

  • I am going to nail this episode

  • I am excited to have a meaningful conversation

  • My audience loves the information I provide

  • I always speak clearly and with confidence

And remember, you may not be a podcast pro yet, but you’re on the way. 

If you need help launching your podcast, book in a Launch Strategy Session with me to answer all of your questions and set you up for success from the start.


Repurposing Content: How To Get The Most Out Of Your Podcast