Nail Your Podcast Intro

A podcast intro gives your audience a quick insight into if they should keep listening or not. I recommend your intro to be around 30-60 seconds and mixed with some royalty-free music of your choice.

There are two ways of doing your podcast introduction. You can use one of these or you can even use both methods in your podcast - which I recommend.

The first is your standard podcast intro. This doesn't usually get changed (unless you want to update it) and has the standard information about your podcast as a whole. The second is the episode intro, where you give the audience an overview of what the episode is about and who your special guest is.

Tip: For best results, record the intro AFTER the episode recording. This way, you can accurately summarise the episode and what was spoken about.

Here's what you should include in your podcast intro:

  • Who you are

  • Who the podcast is for

  • What people should expect

  • How often they will hear from you

If you want to launch your podcast and want to pick my brain, you can book a Launch Strategy Session here. We will cover what equipment you need, how to structure the podcast, the best way to manage your workflow and any other questions you want to know!

Cass x


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