Episode 10: What It Means To Market With Confidence with Claudia Neal-Shaw

Connecting with other women in business is one of my favourite things to do. And today I'm chatting with the queen of making Power Moves herself, Claudia Neal-Shaw.

You'll learn:

  • Defining confidence in business

  • Confidence doesn't eradicate all fears or anxiety

  • Rituals to step into your most confident self

  • Connecting with purpose

About Claudia

Starting her first business at 21, Claudia Neal-Shaw was a few years into her combined Law and Communications degree convinced she would be an actress or a lawyer.

A natural communicator and connector, Claudia offered marketing advice to small-medium businesses on the side while she completed her formal legal training and traveled globally for work experience.

She learned very quickly that in order to create the career of your dreams, you had to rewrite the rules for your own success.

She left her corporate career behind and relaunched her consulting business focused on empowering female-led businesses to market themselves with confidence.

Through 1-1 coaching, online programs and education platforms, Claudia candidly shares the most authentic ways to grow your business; powerful storytelling and a compelling personal brand.

Her mission is to elevate the voices of women globally so that there are more women in positions of power and influence.

She actively supports the UN Global Sustainability Goals of Gender Equality + Quality Education in her offerings to create maximum impact through her business.

Claudia is currently writing a book called 'How to Market with Confidence', a marketing playbook for women in business.

Connect with Claudia on Instagram, or on her website

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  • Good Chat Media acknowledges the traditional owners of the land where we work, live and record the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin nation and we pay our respects to elder's past and present always was always will be Aboriginal land Hey, I'm Cass, the founder podcast production agency, Good Chat Media and welcome to Good chats. Good chat is a podcast with a holistic approach to business and marketing. And with the help of some super special people, I'll be spilling all the secrets about boosting your brand building credibility and connecting with community through podcasting. Let's get into the episode.

    Hey friends. Welcome back to the Good Chats podcast. It's your girl, the founder of Good Chat Media podcast, production agency in Melbourne. What the heck is up? I'm joined by one of my biz besties. Today I'm joined by the gorgeous Claudia Neal-Shaw chatting to you all about marketing with confidence.

    And let me tell you, this is a topic that she is an absolute pro at Claudia's mission through one-on-one coaching and her Power Moves club is to elevate the voices of women globally so that there are more women in positions of power and influence. Can I get an. It's a nice quick on for you today, and we are chatting all about what it means to market yourself with confidence and how the power of community, especially online community, can really help you find those people that are just so aligned to you and how to attract those people into your world.

    Because who wouldn't want real? Biz besties. I remember at the start of my journey of business that I found it really hard not having a tribe, as everyone was calling it, and I felt very alone and very kind of just disconnected with the world. And you don't realise how creative you can be when there's more than one mind at force.

    So stick around for this conversation. It is a great one. Without further a. Please welcome my friend Claudia Neal Shaw. Hello, gorgeous.

    Hello, right back at you, gorgeous. How you going?

    I'm good now that I'm talking to you.

    How are you?

    Same. Always nice to get on a chat with another amazing woman.

    Yeah. Today we are talking about. Marketing with confidence with the queen herself. Starting off, what does confidence mean to you?

    What's really interesting is I think we've been sold this story about confidence that it's the ability to be the biggest, loudest vibes, that's the word, energy in the room, and to really have no doubt, anxiety or fear about anything.

    Mm-hmm. And. What I've learned over my short time on this earth, but um, has certainly been a valuable experience is that confidence is just your willingness to give something a crack regardless of what happens. And I, or there's this really beautiful quote, and I actually keep it up on my pin board, but my eyes are terrible, so I cannot, I was like squinting there for a second.

    But it's essentially, How far you dare to go. So how far do you dare to take steps in the direction of your dreams or something that you want to do? And if something stops you kind of along the way, a little speed bump, do you persevere and do you keep doing it? Mm-hmm. Regardless and despite what the outcome is.

    So that's what confidence means to me. There's no absence of doubt, fear, and anxiety. It's embracing all of that and saying, shit, yeah, I'm gonna give it a go. Let's.

    Fuck. Yeah. I actually got like woo about that.

    Yeah. I had them, the words coming outta my mouth. I was like, oh, that sounds good.

    I'm like, oh, I need that from my wall.

    You can, I'll take a snapshot. Yeah, it's some pinboard inspo from you. Big time.

    When it comes to marketing with confidence, how do you help people talk to the exact right person that they want to speak to?

    Marketing with confidence, I believe, is really being very clear about who you are, what you stand for, and you feel truly connected to what that is.

    Because when we are really clear on what we are doing, who we're serving, how we are doing it, it opens up the door to the right opportunity, to the right community of people. Mm-hmm. And so marketing with confidence is really about. This is who I am and what I have to offer, and this is very specifically who I serve.

    And so I think we all get caught up in a trap sometimes of trying to be all things to all people. Mm-hmm. Start a business and then we think quickly get all of those clients through the door without really betting and qualifying them in a meaningful way. So marketing with confidence means that you know exactly who that ideal client is and you are not afraid to ask for them being so specific about the details.

    And why you are the person to transform it.

    Mm, that is powerful.

    Claudia: It's pretty good. This is my bag. I love when people are happening with confidence. I'm like, oh yeah, tell me more.

    Yeah, I'm like, tell me more. All right.

    I know that you said that your version of confidence and what that means to you. If you are not feeling like that confidence within you, what do you think are some ways you can get into that confidence or how to kind of embody that real direction that you're going into?

    And get out of your head and, you know, and just, just do the thing.

    I think it's about understanding who you are as a person. Um, what are the things that motivate you? What are the things that detract from your ability to show up as the best version of yourself? I like to think of the things like what sucks your soul, your time, your energy, your money, and we can usually be pretty clear about that, right?

    And. I find in my experience the times where I didn't feel super confident or I was really struggling with that uncertainty with that, that fear or anxiety, it was because I really wasn't honouring the things that mattered most to me. Mm-hmm. So I like to do this little exercise and it's kind of. Rituals of a confident person and that confident person is me.

    Yeah. And you know, there's like two columns. The left side is, these are all the rituals I, uh, partake in when I'm being my most confident self. And these are the rituals that I partake in when I'm feeling stressed, anxious, fearful. And what you'll often see is like opposite. Sides of the spectrum. On the left side, when I'm feeling my most confident self, I've had one coffee for the day, not 68 coffees on the other side, I have prioritized creating joy in my life, in my business rather than.

    Jumping into my inbox first thing in the morning and feeling super stressed about the thing. I look at my client list and I think, how lucky am I to work with these amazing women? Rather than, gosh, this client's sucking the life out of me and I resent doing this work. Mm. So I think sometimes it's about coming back and kind of auditing what's going on, and.

    There are very clear symptoms and signs when we avoid things, when we resent things, when we feel uncertain or fearful about something, and I often say, When you feel that sense of, oh, like uncertainty, it's often because you're meant for more. You're meant for more than what you're doing in that moment, that client that you are working with, the model that your business is following.

    And so I think the biggest piece of advice there is saying like, are you doing the things that honour your time, energy, and e. And if not, what are you going to change so that you can realign yourself? And that is, in my experience, the quickest way to get back to that very truthful, authentic, confident version of yourself.


    And is that what you help people with in the Power Moves Club?

    Yeah, so the Power Moves Club is a online membership that I have for, uh, female entrepreneurs and female leaders, and traditionally, My background's in marketing, consulting, marketing strategy, and that's what I would help female entrepreneurs to do.

    That's what I would help them with. It is what I help them, but the very clear. A marriage of marketing and confidence was so like non-negotiable for me. You can't have marketing and marketing strategy without the ability to market it with confidence, sell with confidence, and really stand in your own power.

    So I like to say I've got a really beautiful combination of those things. I don't think you can have one without the other, or. If you try to, you tend to burn out pretty quickly and fall back into that non-confident self, but it's also really about the connection and the community with other amazing women who are going through exactly the same.

    Yeah. Trials and tribulations of running a business. You know, having a personal life, whether that's with a family, kids, partners. Yeah. Travel, other hobbies and experiences. It's about really coming in and saying, this is a space where we all get to shine and also have a win sometimes.

    Mm. Yeah. We were talking about this before the call about being able to really resonate with other people that.

    You know, feeling their best self or, you know, going through personal things. And it exactly what we were saying of it. It's always the personal things that get in the way of being able to show up as your best self. And yeah, sometimes it's a real challenge as a business owner when you've got personal shit going on and you have to pretend like everything's fine and, and everything's good when sometimes it's not.

    And that's, but like, it's, it's okay that it's.

    Hmm. It's, and I, and I think it's much more acceptable now as a business owner to be upfront about it and to share that with people. Yeah. But I think also, We forget the business is very personal. When we are the face of our business, we are the seller, the marketer, the accountant, the bookkeeper, the, you know, appointment maker.

    When we're, we've got stuff going on in our personal life, of course it's gonna manifest in our business. Yeah. It's so hard for not to, it bubbles to the surface and you go, gosh, why am I feeling so anxious and horrible today? And I'm now trying to get on stage and talk to X amount of people. How to be confident or how to get on a masterclass and do X, Y, z I think it's really about saying, you know, We're all running businesses here, and if your audience are business owners, which mine is, it just makes it so much more relatable to understand we're not all gonna be 10 out of 10 confident people today.

    Mm-hmm. Times. We're gonna rock up on that call. We're gonna be a one out of 10 and doll, we're barely holding on, but I'm coming to this call because I'm hoping that I'm gonna hear something that makes me feel seen. Yeah. That makes me feel heard and that I'm not alone because business can be isolating.

    It can feel like you are the only person on this unique journey. Mm. No one to help you. And it's simply not the case. It's about reaching out and saying, who are my people I can call on? Yeah. In my time of need and also in my time of celebration and vice versa.

    That's truly a beautiful thing about community, and I know we both, we both love community building and, and being with beautiful people.

    When I first started business, I did not know that people. It was always, you know, every, all the advice was always find your tribe, find your tribe, or, you know, all these kind of things. And I was like, that's good enough to save it. Like, how the f do you find these people? And it's only through talking to people and it's, it's one of those things where it's like, I think.

    When it comes to community, a lot of the time people are doing it with the intention of having those people as clients. They don't realise that some of those people, whether they work together or not, could just be a friend. Exactly, and that's actually how we met. We, we were on a call to, to chat to each other about working stuff and we haven't worked together, but we've found friendship within that and supported each other to be able, like, you know, years later.

    And that's such a beautiful thing. And being able to refer people to each other and that is what is so special about community and, and to share that you're not having a unique experience as much as you think you are. And, It's just beautiful.

    I think what's really interesting is again, we think that there's a model around business, which is to meet someone who's a prospect.

    Mm. Say, do you wanna buy my shit or do I wanna buy your shit? Yeah. And the best thing that I have incorporated into the way that I do business is to show up to any kind of meeting, whether it's with a prospect, potential referral partner. Someone that I want something from potentially and say, how can I support you?

    Yeah. Whether it's personally, professionally, who can I introduce you to? Mm. And I say to, um, the women in, uh, my membership. When you meet an incredible woman, it is your duty and your obligation to introduce her to another incredible woman. That's how we build, definitely. It's not one person saying, come here, there in this clearing, in the forest.

    We will. We will unite. No one person saying to someone else, Hey, come into this space. See if it's something that resonates with you. Mm. Maybe you'll hear something that might be. And more often than not, we get introduced to people and suddenly the connection, the chemistry, the synergy between you far outweighs the initial perspective sale.

    Exactly. Care anymore. Yeah. It's not the most valuable thing in the room. Yeah. So I think prioritising that community and relationship, building the money and the sales comes. Yeah, exactly. Doesn't have to be from that specific person. It could just be that they introduce you to other people and that is such a beautiful thing.

    And I think also once you are on that level with people where it's, it's going in with the expectation that this may not be a business prospect, but it's just a connection. It's just about introducing yourself to other people. And that's a beautiful thing about the online world, is that we don't physically have to be in front of people to have connection.

    We've never met in real life, I know, which is just crazy to me.

    But it's always about saying your name in rooms where you are not around. And I know you've done the same for me. So it's a beautiful thing to be able to, to do that for you, with you, you know, and, and for other people in that space and love that about online community.

    Is there anything else that you think are important factors of bringing women together, especially in the online? I think we have to acknowledge that the very verb to connect is not to sell, is not to get something from someone else. It's about two people coming together and saying, are we going to have a connection today?

    Are we going to have a mutually beneficial exchange of, uh, energy. Energy? That is exact. I was about to say value and I I never mean the word value in this, in, in a transactional way. Yeah. I. You know, the friendships that I have are highly valuable to me cause it allows me to be exactly the person that I want to be in, feel safe and supported and secure, and have my own unofficial board of advisors.

    Mm-hmm. And I, with communities, whether it's a personal community, a business community, you know, a not-for-profit community, or if you're doing work in the charitable space. It's really about saying like, what are we all coming here for? What is the purpose of this? Yeah. Because the purpose is the thing that unites everyone that we come back to and say, Hey, this is, this is why we're all here.

    This is the expectation of being in this space together. Hmm. Exchange of energy. Showing up with that wonderful attitude of how can I support you? Imagine if we all showed up in a room. Fell over each other saying, how can I support you? Yeah. We'd all walk out and think, oh my God, that was amazing. Yeah.

    People are so lovely. I feel really seen. I feel validated. I feel like people care about me and are invested in me. Yeah. Rather than going to a networking event, hunting around, exchanging business cards, I'm thinking that's two hours of time. I will never get.

    Yeah, the traditional sense of a networking event I think can be rough.

    I went to a, it was an audio summit and the information was incredible. Uh, and I, and I've thoroughly enjoyed it, but then when it came to the networking, I've, I totally went back into my shell and then left because it was just, I, I got sent back to corporate land and I was excited to network. And then when I got there, the vibe is off for me to put myself out there. Yes. So I protected that and I. Let's go home. Yeah. Yeah. And I can find my people in another room. So I have really shied away from networking events and I'm trying to get myself back into them. But finding the ones that are right for you and finding the ones that actually support what you're doing, who you are, and we'll put you in a, in a space to thrive. Not trying to survive.

    Exactly. And I think we've all had those very. You know, strong gut feels of walking into a room and thinking, this is not a room I wanna stay in. And I think what's really interesting is when we do find ourselves in those rooms that feel uncomfortable or feel uncertain, it's about saying like, absolutely, do I need to leave and protect myself here?

    Can I kind of like get a bit of lay of the land and something that I really love to say when I meet people, or I'm at an event where I feel like everyone else knows each other. I'll often like, introduce myself to people and say like, what's your story? Mm-hmm. What? What's your story? And people will often say, oh, you know, I work here.

    You know, when I do this and I'm like, tell, tell me more. And then suddenly you've overcome that kind of first barrier to entry. Yeah. And people start to tell you a little bit more about who they are, what they enjoy doing, what really inspires them. And I think for a lot of women, sometimes we find ourselves in, in these rooms and we go, I'm in the wrong room.

    Yeah. I feel like I'm in the wrong room. And my, my only advice for so many women in business is even sometimes when you feel like you, you're in the wrong room. Give it a crack and see whether there is someone that you might be interested in having just one conversation with. Yeah. Know who that person might know and you might be introduced to someone who is an incredibly valuable and lovely connection that Yeah.

    Might not have interacted with. Totally. And then there's other times where our energies at like a two out 10, it's like I just. Nice. See, I wouldn't wanna be here. Yeah. Oh, the people that were in that room, the places that they were working at, the positions they were, I was blown away by them. And maybe it was just that I felt a little intimidated, but my energy was at probably a two outta 10, and that's why I was like, I don't feel right trying to, trying to break into this right now.

    So I added them on LinkedIn still, but, and you honoured your energy in that moment. Yeah. But I'm not just going to close off that connection and say, here, you said, what could I, what could I do to follow up here? Yeah. What could I do to branch that connection in a way that honours who I am? Mm-hmm. And see where the conversation goes.

    And I think it is about being discerning and saying what matters to me most. And in that moment, you, you needed to protect yourself and. Your mind, body, spirit, the timeout after a massive conference. Mm-hmm.

    Now tell me what have you got going on at the moment in your world and how can people work with you, connect with you?

    March is such a big month. It's the biggest month of my year. It's International Women's Day. It's a very heavy event month, so, I'm now going into Super go mode in the preparation for my next live event. Mm-hmm. Which is Power Moves for Women event in May, 2nd of May in Sydney, which will also coincide, um, with the opening the doors of the Power Moves Club membership.

    And also the launch of our very own podcast. Yeah, I'm very excited about the podcast is called Power Moves Only and it's about, you know, interviewing incredible powerful women so that other incredible powerful women can see themselves. So, Cass. I can't wait to have you interview. Ah, as well. Can't wait.

    That's so exciting. And I have been dying to get to one of your in-person events. I'm not gonna be around in May, but the one after, the one after in Sydney, which will probably be sometime like. September, October, you'll, um, see you there. You'll absolutely have to be there, but it with any other incredible women listening, I'd love to connect on Instagram.

    I'm at Claudia Neal Shaw, that's my chosen place of community. Yeah. Where I like to share the pretty candid, frank, hilarious. Soul destroying sometimes rollercoaster business, but it's such a beautiful space where I've been able to connect with some amazing women. Exactly like you Kas. Yeah. So I'm super, super grateful that you asked me to come on today.

    Yeah. So lovely to chat with you and I'll chuck all of those links in the show notes for everyone to come and connect with you. Please do it because Claudia is absolutely incredible.

    We want to say thanks so much for joining us for another good chat. We would love if you would help us with our 2023 goal to get to 100 ratings and reviews, and then send this podcast on to someone who you think will love it just as much. Connect with us on LinkedIn and Instagram like good chat media, and we'll chat with you next week. Bye. This podcast was produced by good chat media.


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